#CarHireOke – Captive Promotions

Do you have fond memories of singing ‘Dancing Queen’ while on a road trip, or perhaps you’re constantly caught bopping away to the latest pop song at the traffic lights? Travel Supermarket partnered with rental car company Europcar in Bluewater shopping centre and transformed a normal hire car into a “CarHireOke” machine. They then challenged shoppers to sing their favourite road trip songs.

Captive North came along to help capture the moment and ensure all the shoppers can see what was going on.

Project Brief:

To put the live cameras inside the car and produce a short promotional video of the event.

After my first meeting with Captive North, I was really impressed with the quality of their work, their enthusiasm and how they came across. Working with our internal team they have managed to come up with new ideas and create interesting online content for MoneySuperMarket.com and TravelSuperMarket.com. We deeply value the ongoing relationship we have with Captive North and the first rate video content they have provided.

Dan Bolger

Head of Publishing, Partnerships and Video
